Super Troopers Articles

Trick or Treat, Healthy Eats!
As days start getting shorter and shorter, and our routines fill up with school runs and activities, it can be hard to keep up healthy habits – especially with trick or treating and Halloween parties getting in the way. Try some of these delicious and healthy Halloween-inspired recipes with your Super Troopers for some spooky snacks they won’t be able to resist!
Family 4 min read

Join families all over Ireland for the Super Troopers ‘STay at Home’ Series
This month in homes all across Ireland, families are being invited to take part in the Super Troopers STay at Home series. Here at Super Troopers with Laya Healthcare, we are doing all that we can to ensure that you are keeping active and healthy while spending time at home with your families.
Stories 3 min read

Super Troopers with Laya Healthcare - Ireland's First Ever Health Homework Programme
Super Troopers with laya healthcare is the first ever health homework programme in Ireland. It encourages children and their families to become more active and learn about healthy lifestyles. Laya Healthcare got involved in the programme because we wanted to instil healthy habits in children of a young age, with a view to developing positive habits for life.
Family 5 min read

Ways to Practice Mindfulness with your Children this Summer
Mindfulness is all about becoming aware of your senses and how they are affected by the world around you. This is extra useful for children, because it can help them learn how to deal with complicated feelings they don’t quite understand yet, and help them regulate their emotions and calm themselves down. Try some of these activities with your little ones to learn how everyone can apply them in their daily lives.
Family 3 min read

What's in your child's lunchbox? Healthy lunches with Super Troopers
If you find it difficult to come up with ways to get your kids eating healthily at home, don’t worry – we teamed up with Siobhan Berry of Mummycooks to put together some great simple recipe ideas for nutritious treats your kids won’t be able to get enough of!
Family 3 min read

Fun Easter Activities
Now that it’s March, Easter is right around the corner and you’re now probably fretting about the amount of chocolate your tots will manage to get their hands on over the holiday. If that’s the case, why not have a read through some of our suggestions below for alternative Easter activities and treats.
Family 3 min read

Spring into action - suggestions for outdoor family activities
Spring is an excellent time of year for reflection and rejuvenation and can help keep you motivated to maintain your New Year’s goals. As the evenings begin to extend before our eyes, there are many ways to enjoy our natural surroundings and get some physical activity in, too. Why not try some of our activity suggestions and spring into action with us.
Family 3 min read