Mental Health Articles

Keep summer going! 15 tips to lift your spirits
Although it might be feeling slightly autumnal, summer is a good time to develop some healthy habits. Here are some tips to lift your spirits and give your wellbeing a boost. Get out into the light and soak up some vitamin D which helps regulate the stress hormone.
Lifestyle 3 min read

What happens in a counselling session?
Our research indicates that 75pc of people believe that stigma still exists around mental wellbeing. In order to dispel some myths, we enlisted the help of Counselling Psychologist and Clinical Lead on Laya Healthcare's 24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support Programme, Dr Sarah O’Neill. Here she explains what really happens in a counselling session.
Health 5 min read

An understanding of suicide and self harm
Self-harm and suicide are major public health problems. We asked Professor Ella Arensman, Research Professor at the school of Public Health, University College Cork and a Chief Scientist at the National Suicide Research Foundation, to share her knowledge so that our readers can learn more about the causes of suicide and self-harm in Ireland. You can also download a document with further information and help at the end of this article.
Health 5 min read