Maureen Griffin

Maureen is a Forensic Psychologist who specialised in the assessment of internet sex offenders. Maureen lectures on Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behaviour courses in Universities across Ireland and has delivered lectures on Detective and Sergeant Training Courses in An Garda Síochána and on national and international Military Police Courses with the Irish Defence Forces. She has visited over 600 schools across Ireland speaking with students, staff and parents regarding social media and online safety. Maureen regularly contributes to local and national media and presents at child protection and mental health conferences across Ireland. For more information see

Two children play happily on a tablet

5 tips to consider when buying technology for kids this Christmas

When it comes to gift giving this Christmas, a new device is a popular choice for children and young adults alike. So if you will be welcoming a new device or tech gadget into your home this Christmas here are some points to consider.

Family 5 min read