We take a proactive approach to health problems among employees. So, every year, we carry out thousands of health screenings for employers all over Ireland. The main aim of our Health Screening is to detect non-symptomatic disease or lifestyle risk factors that may lead to disease. 

There are four chronic conditions that lead to at least 50% of deaths in developed countries. These are Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Chronic Lower Respiratory Diesase and Cancer. All of these are predominantly caused by smoking, poor diet and a sedenraty lifestyle. Our screenings are designed to tackle this problem. We offer a health screening strategy to identify and manage these disorders to reduce the risk of premature heart attack, stroke, diabetes, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (C.O.P.D) and cancer. 

The screening will educate on both awareness and prevention of disease and equip employees with the information and tools to take accountability for their health and make informed lifestyle choices to live healthy and happy lives. We provide a range of physical tests and blood tests, along with personal and family history to detect risk factors before they cause an illness or disease. 

In the case of our Heartbeat screening, the examination is led by a doctor and the resulting ECG is further reviewed by a Cardiology Consultant for expert led analysis. The results of this screen are then securely available online in an easy to read and understand report.

Any risks or problems identified are explained and advice is given on how to change lifestyle to improve health and wellbeing.

Screenings are performed in the workplace with minimal disruption and bring great peace of mind to employees and that in turn makes for a healthier, happier and more productive workforce. You can  talk to your dedicated account manager about which suite of screenings would suit your company best or you can email screening@layawellness.ie. 

But don’t just take our word for it, one employee from Citco said;

“It was something I had been meaning to do for a long time but never got the chance to, I’m satisfied that it’s done now” 

How our health screening reports work

1)Booking: This can be done online or by phone.

2)Health screening: Our medical team conduct an onsite screening. Any ECG’s are further reviewed by a Cardiology Consultant to detect any cardiac anomalies.

3)Results: These are entered into a secure online platform. We can then benchmark the results against health recommendations and market averages.

4)Reporting: Detailed patient friendly reports are generated and made securely available online for the participant.


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