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Cartoon image of two children playing with an Easter Egg. White text over a navy background reads

Fun Easter Activities

Pen Selda Simsek Glasses 3 min read

Fun Easter Activities

It seems like only a few weeks ago, we were pulling out the Christmas decorations, wrestling with the lights and getting ready to celebrate the end of a long, eventful year. But somehow, we’re 3 months into 2018, memories of Christmas have long faded and we’ve welcomed spring with open arms.

Now that it’s March, Easter is right around the corner and you’re now probably fretting about the amount of chocolate your tots will manage to get their hands on over the holiday.  If that’s the case, why not have a read through some of our suggestions below for alternative Easter activities and treats:

Exploring Traditions

Easter, the Easter Bunny and chocolate tend to go hand in hand, but this year, why not spend a little time learning about some other Easter traditions and customs. Spring is a season very much associated with new growth, birth and fertility and many Easter traditions, like chickens, ‘bunnies’ and eggs, are strongly linked to this too. For example, the chicken is commonly seen as a symbol of birth and new life, dating as far back as pagan times, while egg painting is steeped in Christian roots. Nowadays, many people choose to paint eggs and hang them as decorations in their homes to mark the holiday. There are many countries with Easter customs specific to their own culture and heritage, which you can research online with your little ones.

However, if you’re looking for a simple way to keep your kiddies entertained during the break, while you rustle up some tasty and healthy Easter treats why not try your hand at the below activities:

Elegant Egg Painting

If you would like to give eggshell painting a go with your tribe, follow these simple steps below. Assisting your Super Troopers with some of the steps (or prepping beforehand) is a good idea, especially if you want to use the egg(s) in a recipe afterwards! To begin, you will need:

  • 1 egg per child (or more, depending on how many you’d like to make)
  • A pin
  • Some bowls
  • Any items you would like to decorate with such as paints, glue, crepe paper, feathers, glitter, sequins etc.*

Before you get cracking with painting and decorating the shell, you will need to use your pin to make a hole on both ends. You will need to make a hole small enough so that it won’t have too much of an effect on the shell, but big enough so that you can blow on the top and encourage the egg to slide out the bottom and into a bowl. This can be a little tricky, but there are plenty of online tutorials and decorative ideas on Pinterest that you can check out for some added inspiration.

Once you have your shells ready, the decorating can commence. Encourage your kids to have a think about what they’d like to paint/decorate on their eggs the night before you plan to do the activity – this way, you’ll have enough time to gather some supplies!

Easter Eating

While the decorating is underway, why not use the eggs in your bowl and whip up a healthy omelette for a tasty Easter brunch! We love this healthy veggie recipe from SuperValu. All you will need is:

  • 40g Cheddar Cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 5 x diced green & red pepper
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 x scallions, chopped

To prepare:

  1. Using a non-stick skillet, heat the oil. Add the peppers and spring onion. Sauté for 4-5 minutes. Remove the vegetables from the skillet.
  2. Beat three eggs with milk. Pour the mixture into the hot skillet and allow to cook and set. Once the top of the eggs is almost set add the vegetables and cheese to one side of the egg mixture.
  3. After the cheese has begun to melt fold half the egg mixture over the vegetables and cheese. Press on the omelette to squeeze out any uncooked egg.
  4. Remove from the skillet and serve on a warmed plate.

And just like that, you’ve managed to distract all attention from thoughts of chocolate and sugary treats, for a couple of hours at least!

For more inspiration on Easter themed recipes and activities, head over to .

Happy Easter!


Selda Simsek

Selda is the Sponsorship Brand Manager for Laya Healthcare. With a wealth of knowledge in the Sports and events industry, Selda’s career has spanned across, marketing, sponsorship, events, PR and internal communications over the past 12 years. With her experience both at home and abroad she has worked for leading brands and their partners such as Virgin Mobile Australia, The Cancer Council NSW, Leinster Rugby, Bank of Ireland, Guinness, Life Style Sports and many more. Leaning on her creative flair, Selda has a keen interest in photography and design. She’s also an advocate of CSR and a keen jellybean on the importance of brand culture and engagement.