Mental Health First Responders Next Step Options

We can support your team of First Responders and develop their skill set through the below available next step options:

  • MHFR Peer to Peer Workshop
  • Refresher Course 

MHFR Peer to Peer Workshop

After the initial MHFR Training programme, we can provide a number of follow-up opportunities that will enhance what your First Responders have learned and support them onwards in their role. We can facilitate a clinician led group check in for all those who completed the course, six months or a year after the initial training was delivered. 

Refresher Course

We offer a 1-day follow-up course, approximately 6 hours long, that can be delivered to employees who already completed the Mental Health First Aid training. Areas covered on the Refresher Course will include:

  • Review and revision of the First Responders model
  • Facilitated conversation around the First Responders’ experience to date


Optional Add Ons:

  • Refreshing and development of attendee understanding around:
  1. De-escalation techniques for managing distress and aggression
  2. Communication skills
  3. Boundaries
  4. Self-Care
  5. A space for a Q&A

We have a team of highly qualified counselling Psychologists who have the necessary skills to deliver this programme. All of our Psychologists are fully qualified and hold current membership of the Psychological Society of Ireland. 

Both programmes can facilitate up to 20 participants per workshop.

What's covered?

Marketing and support

Registration support

Reporting and analysis