Skin Health

  • Mole Review Clinic

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Ireland. Yet in most cases, it is preventable and early detection leads to better outcomes.  (e.g. sunbeds) can also cause skin cancer.

The vast majority of these cancers are caused by over-exposure to UV radiation, mainly from sunlight, although UV radiation from artificial sources (e.g. sunbeds) can also cause skin cancer. 

Our Digital Dermoscopy is a non-invasive technique used in the early detection of skin cancer. This magnified view provides a detailed image of the internal structure of the lesion, assisting in the identification of characteristics that may lead to skin cancer.

  • Skin Facial Health

The Observ machine was developed using the specific principle of skin fluorescence as a means to optically examine skin health at a deeper level. Skin conditions impacted by both internal and external environmental factors can be easily identified by the unique colours and patterns that become flurorscent when exposed to true UV light. The exclusive fluorescent technology points out an array of surface and sub-surface skin conditions with unparalleled clarity and contrast when compared to other skin diagnostic tools.

Examples of skin conditions that can be identified include; pigmentation, sun damage, xeroderma & rosacea.

Please note that these are corporate services, which are only bookable at company level. Please contact your HR team or Laya Healthcare account manager for further information on these corporate screening programmes.

Mole Review Clinic:

  • Review up to two moles and education on skin cancer prevention,  sun screen use, changes to monitor and how to self check your skin.


Skin Facial Health:

  • 5 different angles of the face are photographed with our Skin Scanner allowing us to analyse the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin, assisting in educating the participant on their skin type and concerns and helps them understand how to prevent further damage to their skin.



  • Following each clinic a Patient-friendly Health Report including images, advice and recommendations emailed to each participant.

Mole Review Clinic: 

  • It is delivered by a qualified dermatology nurse.


Skin Facial Health:

  • It is delivered by a qualified skin specialist.

Mole Review Clinic:  27 people can be seen in a day. Skin Facial Health: 20 people can be seen in a day