The Seasonal Flu Vaccination
Flu (also known as influenza) is a viral illness that affects your lungs and upper airways. It is highly infectious and can lead to serious complications for some people. However, an annual flu vaccine can help to protect you.
There are different types (or ‘strains’) of flu virus that go around each year. You should get a new flu vaccine every flu season to make sure you are protected. The flu season runs from October until April every year.
If you are infected with flu, you can spread it to other people by coughing or sneezing. You can also spread flu by touching surfaces without washing your hands.
Vaccinating your employees against flu will help to stop the spread of flu at work therefore keeping your teams productive throughout winter and reduce absenteeism.
Each employee is met by our doctor or nurse who will explain exactly what is involved before administering the flu vaccine. The employee will be required to read and sign a consent form. The vaccine will be administered by our doctor or nurse and will take a few minutes per person.
This is a doctor led service.
80 people can be vaccinated in a full day while 40 people can be vaccinated in a half day.
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