Men's Cancer Awareness & PSA Testing

Testicular (Awareness):

Testicular Cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men aged 15-35. This screening would include a questionnaire followed by the doctor offering education on testicular self-examination.



  • Prostate (PSA) (40+)


  • Male Cancer Awareness Questionnaire



  • Patient-friendly Health Report
  • Doctor Sign Off


Prostate (Blood Test):

  • Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer in men (excluding Skin Cancer). The most common risk factor for prostate cancer is age. Prostrate cancer mainly effects men over the age of 50. If an immediate family member has had prostate cancer, you are thought to be 2 times more likely to get his cancer.
  • With this in mind, we are offering PSA blood tests to those who are over 50 years of age and those who are 40 years+ who have a strong family history of prostate cancer.

This screening is delivered by a qualified medical professional.

A maximum of 27 can be seen per day.

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