Covid-19 Testing FAQ

Your questions answered

If you or a loved one is referred on for testing, we know that it can be a worrying and stressful time.

To put your mind at rest, we’re going to tell you everything we can about being tested for Covid-19 in Ireland. Whatever the results, we’re here to look after you always.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am a close contact of someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus?

Close contact can mean:

  • spending more than 15 minutes of face-to-face contact within 2 metres of someone who has COVID-19, indoors or outdoors
  • living in the same house or shared accommodation as someone who has COVID-19
  • sitting within 2 seats of someone who has COVID-19 on public transport or an airplane

Spending more than 2 hours in an indoor space with someone who has COVID-19 will sometimes count as close or casual contact. This could be an office or a classroom. But it will depend on the size of the room and other factors. Public health doctors or contact tracers will let you know if you are at risk during contact tracing and public health risk assessments.

If you are a close contact of someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus you will receive either:

  • a call from a contact tracer
  • an alert on your mobile phone, if you are using the COVID tracker app.



Useful Numbers & Websites

HSE Helpline


 24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support Programme

 Department of Foreign Affairs