Booking paid services


Delivering Services

Laya Healthcare's services can be delivered by a number of different trusted partners within the Laya partner network. These partners are responsible for handling your treatment, sending email confirmations, notifications and issuing refunds. Some of our services are complimentary, while other services incur a fee.


Payment and cancellation policies for paid services

It's important to understand Laya Healthcare's policies around payment and cancellation before you book any of our services. The cost of a paid service will be visible at the time of booking your appointment.


Cancellation Policy

It is possible to cancel your booking at any time using the "Click here to manage your bookings" link in the confirmation email that you received upon making your booking. 

Please read our cancellation policy carefully as late cancellations can result in cancellation fees. Refunds can amount to either the full or partial amount of the session cost, depending on when the appointment is cancelled. See below for more information:

Full refund: If you cancel your appointment at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled session.
50% refund: If you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours' notice, but at least 24 hours notice.
0% refund: If you cancel your appointment within 24 hours of your scheduled session.


No-Show Policy

If you miss your appointment entirely without prior notice, you will be charged a fee of 100% of the session cost. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, these fees help us ensure the continued availability of our services for all clients.


Appointments cancelled by your service provider

If your appointment is cancelled by your assigned therapist or clinician due to unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified in advance of your appointment, and will receive a full refund regardless of the time of the cancellation.



Please note that refunds due to cancellation can take 7 - 10 working days to appear in your bank account.



Receipts will be sent to the email address that you have provided, once you have attended your appointment.



If you have any questions about your appointment or our policies, please don't hesitate to email us. We're here to help!